Cliquez sur le continent qui vous intéresse, vous en obtiendez sa carte

Welcome to the world of trip!

Underneath this text you have a diaporama introducing pictures of several trips. To achieve chosen destination click on correspondent image and you will arrive there. Then on right of screen by clicking on the map of the world you will arrive on a route of tower of the world.
If you click on link " Sites and groupings " you will arrive on a page where are developed all sites of the world: islands, big cities, monuments, museums and natural sites as well as the biggest human groupings: UNESCO, CIS, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY and Commonwealth.
In rubric " Help in trip " you will find possibilities of sortings in comparison with languages spoken in the different countries of the world, their situations by continents, administrative ceremonies for the French nationals, risks of health in these countries and their preventions, the bad book of civil aviation , of links with some towers operators, the weather forecast of countries and finally chips by country with quite a lot of information.
Then a link is made so that you can give your opinion that I'm waiting with impatience because it is your comments which will move forward this site in common sense.
I hope that this site will have you like. If it is the case then do not hesitate to make a small click on a banner or to join on a partner site.
This site receives you in the world of trip to make about you and give dream desire to leave visit this so nice ours planet, the Earth.

French Polynesia

Cliquez ici pour faire un tour du monde
The World

Pierre à Mahé

If you have a destination which you would like to see, want to inform us about it

Sites and groupings

Cited above

Megaithic Sites

Your opinion matters to us

Please point out us what are for you the 7 marvels of the world ?


Animal and plant life